Running for Office as an Online Candidate
Digital campaigning is more important than ever. We cover tips and ideas for political candidates who want to leverage the web to help win their election. Brought to you by OnlineCandidate.com
Running for Office as an Online Candidate
Should You Make the Run for Political Office?
Running for elected office is one of the best ways you can give back to their community. Whether you want to run for city council, county representative or school board, every political candidate must begin by making the decision to actually run.
Getting yourself on the ballot takes time, effort and money. Running for office takes personal sacrifice and extracts a toll not only on you, but also on your family and close supporters.
In this episode we cover questions to ask before getting started in politics.
- Are you ready to get involved?
- What political office should you run for?
- What are the requirements to run for office?
- How much money do you need to win?
- Are you ready to build your base of supporters?
- Is your family ready?
- And more
Source: https://www.onlinecandidate.com/articles/run-local-office
Running for office? Sign up for our Online Political Campaign Tips guide to help get a head start with your digital campaigning.
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