Running for Office as an Online Candidate
Digital campaigning is more important than ever. We cover tips and ideas for political candidates who want to leverage the web to help win their election. Brought to you by OnlineCandidate.com
Running for Office as an Online Candidate
4 Challenges Facing Small Political Campaigns
Local political campaigns need to reach fewer voters and typically campaign for a shorter period than larger campaigns. But that does not make local campaigning any easier for the candidates or their supporters. In some ways, small campaigns have it even tougher.
Here are a few major challenges local candidates face when starting a run for office:
- Putting together a campaign team
- Developing a message and theme that resonates with voters
- Raising campaign funds and donations
- Getting enough media exposure
Running for office? Sign up for our Online Political Campaign Tips to help you get a head start with your digital campaigning.
View the post at https://www.onlinecandidate.com/articles/challenges-small-campaigns