Running for Office as an Online Candidate
Digital campaigning is more important than ever. We cover tips and ideas for political candidates who want to leverage the web to help win their election. Brought to you by OnlineCandidate.com
Podcasting since 2020 • 20 episodes
Running for Office as an Online Candidate
Latest Episodes
SEO For Political Candidates
Why is SEO important for politicians? According to studies, search rankings can actually influence voters. Search engine optimization (SEO) is a way to make your campaign website more attractive to search engines. When targeted and implemented ...
Episode 20

Handling Negative Posts About Your Campaign
If you are a political candidate, you will certainly face some sort of abuse online. It may be in posts, comments, or even through memes and imagery. Cyberbullying has always been an issue, but social media has taken abuse to a whol...
Episode 19

What Are Easiest Political Offices To Run For?
Running for any political position is a challenge, but some are easier than others. Without experience, many first-time political candidates have no idea where to begin. In this episode, we discuss what offices first-time candidates...
Episode 18

Who To Contact When Starting a Run for Office
The last few election cycles has seen a surge of people interesting in seeking elected office. If you've never run for office before, you're going to need help learning what it takes to get elected. In this episode, we discuss who you c...
Episode 17

The Biggest Mistakes in Online Campaigning
And as a political candidate, you will want influence over what people see, hear and read about you online. To do that, you need to create a personal brand for yourself. In this episode, we discuss a few online campaigning mistakes that we see ...
Episode 16